Small Group Bible Studies
Men - Grill Kings
- Meet once a month
- Eat a hearty meal: provided by various members of the group
- Have a topical Bible Study lead by a volunteer member of the congregation
- for our next meeting date see the church calendar
Women - Small Groups
- Usually held in members homes
- follow a Bible Study book and typically meet twice a month
- for current study times see our church calendar
Pastor Led Bible Studies
Sunday Morning 10:15am
- begins after brief time of fellowship after church and goes until 11:15am
- covers a variety of topics
- variety of methods of instruction are used (i.e. video, lecture, discussion, etc.)
Monday Morning 9:00am
- takes place on Monday mornings from 9:00 - 10:30am
- a variety of topics are chosen (i.e. Books of the Bible, areas of interest or question, etc.)
More Classes
Confirmation Class ( What is Lutheran Confirmation?)
- for ages 6-8th grade
- led by pastor
- classes scheduled by pastor and held during the school year
- Beginning Sept. 7th, 6:30-8pm: Grades 6-8. Classes are every Wednesday from 6:30-8pm. (During Lent the class meets after school from 3:30-5pm.) Nonmembers are also welcome to attend.
Bible Information Class (BIC)
- scheduled at various times by pastor
- anyone can attend, those seeking to learn more about the Bible
- for current class see our church calendar